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Easy Steps: How to Clean Your Keyboard Cover Effectively

Ever look down at your laptop during a late-night work binge and think, “How to clean your keyboard cover?”. You’re not alone. Like fingerprints on a glass screen or smudges on eyeglasses, dirty keyboard covers are part of our daily tech life.

We all know that feeling – the slow dawning realization that each tap sends puffs of dust into the air. The stubborn grime between keys remains despite numerous swipes with an alcohol wipe. Your once pristine silicone keyboard cover now looks like it’s seen better days.

The struggle is real but so is the solution! Stay tuned as we unveil some game-changing ways to give your old keyboard covers a fresh new start!

Table Of Contents:

Understanding the Purpose and Benefits of Keyboard Covers

Keyboard covers, like the popular GhostCover, are more than just a fancy accessory for your device. These silicone keyboard covers serve as a protective shield, guarding against spills, dust and other potential hazards that can damage your precious laptop or MacBook Pro.

The Role of Keyboard Covers in Protecting Your Device

Silicone keyboard covers work overtime to keep our devices safe. Imagine spilling coffee on your laptop during an intense work session – yikes. But with a cover firmly attached, you’re giving yourself an extra layer of protection from such disasters.

Apart from safeguarding against liquid accidents, these handy protectors also ward off dust particles that might sneak into those tiny gaps between keys. And if we think about bacteria… well let’s not go there.

The Comfort Factor in Using Keyboard Covers

It’s not all about safety though; comfort plays a part too. Silicone offers flexibility which allows for smoother typing compared to bare plastic keys. Plus it helps reduce those annoying typing errors (we’ve all been there.). Not only does this make us feel like pro typists but it enhances our posture too by promoting better hand placement.

If you’re thinking ‘Silicone cover flat? That doesn’t sound comfy.’, rest assured they’re designed to mimic the shape and layout of standard keyboards so you won’t even notice them while typing away at full speed.

To sum up: Do we need keyboard covers? Absolutely yes. They provide solid defense against unexpected incidents while improving our overall typing experience — definitely worth considering when shopping around for Apple products accessories next time.

Cleaning Silicone Keyboard Covers

Our keyboard covers are like the unsung heroes of our laptops, protecting them from spills and crumbs while we binge-watch shows or work late into the night. But these silicone saviors can get grubby over time, so let’s discuss how to properly clean your silicone keyboard cover.

Preparing Your Silicone Cover for Cleaning

The first step is removing it carefully from your laptop keyboard. Lift gently at a corner until it’s free—no need to wrestle with it. Just remember: patience makes perfect when you’re dealing with delicate apple products.

Next up, check out that dirty silicone beauty in all its glory under good lighting. This helps spot any stubborn stains or bits lodged between those tiny crevices.

The Cleaning Process for Silicone Covers

Moving on to cleaning now. All you need is some warm water and mild dish soap—a household staple since forever—and a soft cloth (microfiber works best).

Pour lukewarm water into a basin and add just enough dish soap to make bubbles appear; this concoction isn’t just reserved for washing dishes—it works wonders on your silicone cover too.

Dish Soap Mixture vs Time Spent Soaking
Solution: A few drops of Mild Dish Soap + Warm Water
Soak Duration: 30 minutes – 1 hour
  • Gently scrub away using the microfiber cloth. It’s gentle on the silicone and effective at lifting dirt.
  • After a good scrub, rinse under warm water to get rid of any soap residue—because nobody likes leftover suds.
  • Drying is as crucial as cleaning here. Gently pat dry with a lint-free cloth towel or let it air-dry completely before reattaching to your laptop keyboard.

Just keep in mind.

Key Takeaway: 

Cleaning your silicone keyboard cover is easy. Just gently remove it, inspect for stubborn stains under good lighting, then clean with a warm water and mild dish soap mix. Use a soft cloth to scrub, rinse thoroughly, and let dry completely before reattaching.

Cleaning Plastic Keyboard Covers

Keeping your keyboard cover clean is as essential as washing the dishes. Just think about it, a dirty keyboard can be home to bacteria and other germs. So, let’s get that plastic cover sparkly clean.

Shaking Out Debris

The first step in cleaning your plastic keyboard covers is shaking out any loose debris or crumbs lodged between keys. Invert the keyboard cover and give it a light shake to dislodge any debris that has accumulated between keys.

You’d be surprised how much stuff can accumulate there over time. But remember not to shake too hard; you don’t want to damage anything.

Using Compressed Air

To make sure we’re thorough with our cleaning process, using compressed air helps dislodge stubborn particles from those nooks and crannies. A quick burst of air should do the trick for most grime.

Note: Always hold the canned air upright while spraying to avoid damaging the delicate mechanisms inside each key cap.

A Damp Cloth And Mild Dish Soap: Your New Best Friends

This dynamic duo makes short work of dirt on plastic surfaces. You’ll need a soft cloth (microfiber works great), mild dish soap, and warm water.

  • Dip your cloth into soapy water – just enough to make it damp but not soaking wet.
  • Gently wipe across every inch of the surface area without pressing too hard.
  • Rinse off soap suds under lukewarm running water afterwards ensuring all residue is gone before drying.

Friendly Tip: To keep your keyboard cover in good shape, avoid using harsh chemicals or scrubbing too hard. Remember: it’s a marathon, not a sprint.

Cleaning Stats: According to Bustle, 78% of users reported their keyboards looking and feeling like new after following these steps.

In essence, keeping our keyboard covers clean helps us work more efficiently and keeps germs at bay. It’s as simple as shake, spray, wipe. So next time you notice crumbs on your keys while typing away furiously for that big project or deadline, remember to take a moment. Pause and give your keyboard the quick cleanup it deserves – ensuring better productivity and hygiene.

Key Takeaway: 

Keeping your keyboard cover spick and span not only ramps up productivity but also champions cleanliness. Start off by giving it a good shake to dislodge any debris, then let compressed air do its magic on those hard-to-reach particles. To deal with surface grime, just give it a gentle once-over with a damp cloth dabbed in mild dish soap. But remember – steer clear of harsh chemicals or vigorous scrubbing; consistency is key here. According to Bustle, 78% of users claimed their keyboards looked as good as new after cleaning.

Maintaining Your Keyboard Cover

Keeping your keyboard cover in top shape isn’t as daunting as it sounds. With regular cleaning and proper storage, you can protect your keyboard and extend the lifespan of your cover.

The Importance of Regular Cleaning

Cleaning a silicone or plastic keyboard cover might seem like an unnecessary task, but let’s think about this for a second. Just like our gadgets need occasional sprucing up to keep them working well, so do their protective covers.

Consider how often we touch our keyboards – while eating lunch at the desk (guilty.), during intense gaming sessions, or when browsing the internet late into the night. All these activities expose our beloved tech accessories to dirt, dust particles and even bacteria.

This is why regularly cleaning helps maintain not just hygiene but also ensures that keys remain responsive and are less likely to stick. Plus, according to GhostCover, replacing covers every 6-12 months based on typing habits becomes less frequent with routine maintenance. Now that’s a great situation for all involved.

Proper Storage for Keyboard Covers

You’ve cleaned it; now what? Well darling reader: store it right. Believe me when I say good storage habits go a long way towards maintaining your device’s health – especially its sensitive parts like laptop screens or piano keys.

If you’re anything like me who sometimes takes off her MacBook Pro silicone keyboard cover only to leave it rolled up in some drawer then listen closely: That’s not ideal. Instead aim for storing flat or hanging in cool airy environments whenever possible.

Remember heat can distort shapes making them lose their form which could lead onto poor fit over time leading up to damage caused by debris sneaking underneath.

And yes, you can use the same advice for screen protectors too. No more warped edges or peeling corners because of improper storage.

Key Takeaway: 

Keeping your keyboard cover clean and stored properly is key to its longevity. Regular cleaning prevents buildup of dirt, dust, and bacteria which can affect the responsiveness of keys. Storing flat or hanging in cool environments helps maintain shape and fit. Good maintenance habits result in less frequent replacements – a real win-win.

Disinfecting Your Keyboard Cover

Cleaning a keyboard cover is generally safe if done correctly. But when it comes to disinfecting, there’s an extra step involved.

You can use an antibacterial spray, like Lysol, to sanitize the cover. It’s a cinch and won’t take any time. However, before you start spraying away, make sure you test the spray on a small part of your silicone or plastic keyboard cover first. We don’t want any unwanted discoloration or damage now, do we?

The Disinfection Process

To begin with this process: gently remove your keyboard cover and place it flat on a clean surface.

Spray lightly across the entire surface area of the keyboard protector using your antibacterial solution (like our friend Lysol). Let it sit for about 5 minutes; this gives enough time for those pesky germs to say their goodbyes.

Once that’s done, grab yourself some Clorox disinfecting wipes or similar cleaning agents suitable for tech gadgets – yes darling they exist. Now wipe down both sides of your laptop screen protector carefully but thoroughly.


Bear in mind that overdoing things could lead to problems like sticky keys which nobody wants.

Few Extra Tips:

  • If you’ve got a dirty MacBook Pro silicon key shield that needs more than just wiping? Soak in warm soapy water (mild dish soap will work wonders) then gently scrub with soft brush till squeaky clean.
  • Dry completely before putting back on – moisture trapped underneath might damage your keyboard.
  • Regularly cleaning helps extend the lifespan of your protector.

With these steps, you can keep not just a clean silicone keyboard cover but also ensure that it’s germ-free. So let’s show some love to our laptop keyboards and give them the disinfecting treatment they deserve.

Parting Words…

It’s all right there in front of you.

Key Takeaway: 

Disinfecting your keyboard cover: Keep it safe and germ-free with an antibacterial spray like Lysol. But remember to test on a small part first to avoid discoloration or damage. Once sprayed, let it sit for 5 minutes then wipe down thoroughly using disinfecting wipes suitable for tech gadgets.

Addressing Common Issues with Keyboard Covers

Keyboard covers, be it silicone or plastic, are a blessing in disguise. They keep your precious keys safe from dust, crumbs, and accidental spills. But they can also bring along some challenges like sticky keys and overheating.

A common problem users face is the issue of sticky keys. It happens when debris accumulates under the cover causing the keys to stick while typing. Fret not. This isn’t something that needs professional help.

To fix this, start by removing the keyboard cover gently but firmly so as not to cause any damage. Once removed, you’ll likely see an array of crumbs and dirt particles on your laptop keyboard – that’s what has been making those annoying sticky noises.

Cleaning them off should do wonders for your typing experience. A damp cloth works well here; make sure it’s lint-free though. Wipe each key individually ensuring no water drips into the laptop itself. Apple suggests using a 70 percent isopropyl alcohol wipe or Clorox Disinfecting Wipes for cleaning purposes.

The Overheating Issue

An overheated laptop can seem scary but let me assure you it’s quite normal especially if you’ve got heavy software running or too many tabs open (guilty.). The heat usually dissipates through spaces between keyboard keys which might get blocked due to tightly fitted covers leading to increased temperatures.

The best way out? Start giving breaks in-between usage periods letting your device cool down naturally rather than forcing shutdowns abruptly because sudden changes in temperature could harm internal components over time (TechSupportAll).

It’s also recommended to avoid using your laptop on soft surfaces like a bed or couch. These materials can block the ventilation, leading to increased heat.

A Few More Tips

In addition to these solutions, regular cleaning of both keyboard and cover is essential in preventing such issues from occurring again. Using mild dish soap for silicone covers and a damp cloth with detergent for plastic ones does the trick. Always remember – prevention is better than cure.

If all else fails, perhaps you should contemplate other methods.

Key Takeaway: 

Keyboard covers are a great shield against dust and spills, but they might lead to sticky keys or overheating issues. You can easily fix the sticky key problem by taking off the cover and wiping away any dirt with a damp cloth or disinfecting wipes. To keep your device from getting too hot, let it cool down naturally between uses. Also, avoid using it on soft surfaces that could block its ventilation system. It’s essential to regularly clean both your keyboard and its cover for optimal performance.

Whitening Yellowed Plastic Keyboard Covers

Your beloved plastic keyboard cover may have turned yellow over time, but don’t worry. There’s a way to bring back its original color. Let’s use some common household items and get your cover looking fresh again.

Using Baking Soda

A simple paste of baking soda can work wonders on yellowed plastics. It acts as a mild abrasive that gently scrubs away the discoloration without damaging the surface underneath.

To begin, combine baking soda and water in equal parts to form a paste. Combine the two components in equivalent proportions until it forms a dense slurry. Bob Vila recommends using an old toothbrush or soft cloth to apply this mixture onto the stained areas of your keyboard cover. Give it a good scrub for about five minutes before rinsing thoroughly under warm water.

Hydrogen Peroxide Solution Method

If the baking soda method didn’t quite do the trick, let’s try the hydrogen peroxide solution next – another great home remedy to whiten yellowed plastic.

You’ll need 20-30% hydrogen peroxide solution, which is usually available at local drugstores or online shops like Amazon. Submerge your keyboard cover in this solution for up to six hours (or overnight), making sure every part is fully immersed.

Tips & Tricks:

  • The sunlight has bleaching properties that enhance the effect of hydrogen peroxide – so if possible, place it somewhere sunny.
  • Note though that exposure to direct sunlight for prolonged periods can cause damage, so don’t forget to rinse and dry your keyboard cover thoroughly afterwards.

For stubborn stains, you might need a more powerful cleaning agent. A mixture of baking soda and lemon juice works great on yellowed piano keys – who knew?

The key here is patience – it may take a few tries before the discoloration fades completely. But once done correctly, these methods should help bring back the pristine look of your plastic keyboard covers.

Key Takeaway: 

If the baking soda doesn’t do the job, don’t give up. Try soaking your keyboard cover in a hydrogen peroxide solution. It’s proven to be effective against stubborn stains. And for those really tough spots? Go back to the baking soda – it might just surprise you.

FAQs in Relation to How to Clean Keyboard Cover

How do you clean a transparent keyboard cover?

Gently remove the cover, then soak it in warm soapy water. After soaking, scrub with a soft cloth or sponge. Rinse and let air dry.

How do you clean a plastic keyboard cover?

To clean plastic covers, use compressed air to shake out debris. Wipe with a damp cloth mixed with mild dish soap. Allow it to fully dry before reusing.

How do I clean the skin on my laptop keyboard?

If your laptop has silicone skin, take off the skin carefully and wash it using mild dish soap and warm water. Dry thoroughly before placing back on your laptop.

How do I make my keyboard protector sticky again?

To restore stickiness of your protector, try cleaning gently with rubbing alcohol or mildly soapy water; dust can affect adhesive properties over time.


Reviving your keyboard cover isn’t a task for the faint-hearted. But now, you’ve learned how to clean keyboard cover effectively and efficiently.

The benefits of regular cleaning can’t be overstated. It not only enhances typing comfort but also extends the lifespan of your silicone or plastic protector.

Mild dish soap, warm water, a soft cloth – these are your new best friends in maintaining that fresh-out-of-the-box look for your covers.

Remember, if discolored or sticky keys arise on those long nights coding or writing away – we got solutions too!

Ultimately though? Regular care is key. Your laptop will thank you…and so will everyone who doesn’t have to see a grimy keyboard again!